"Did You Know: The music of IL-2: Birds of Prey was composed by Jeremy Soule, the prolific comoposer for games such as Oblivion, Supreme Commander, Total Annihilation, and Prey. "

 Home -> Full Texts -> Press Releases -> Microsoft -> CES WEBCAST AND XBOX CHAT DETAILS ANNOUNCED



Microsoft today announced details for their upcoming Consumer Electronics Show (CES) keynote webcast and Xbox chat, taking place this Saturday, January 6, 2001. Portions of Bill Gate's keynote address will be webcast via the official Xbox Web site ( During and following the keynote address, key members of the Xbox development team will participate in an online chat, hosted by one of Xbox's independently-run fan sites, MSXbox (

To view the webcast, gamers are encouraged to visit at approximately 9:15am PST, click the link for the webcast, and sit back and enjoy the show! To watch the webcast, users will need the latest version of Windows Media Player. will host an open chat from 8am to 9am PST. In conjunction with the webcast, J Allard, General Manager of the Xbox platform and head of its Third Party Relations team, will take the keyboard at 9am PST. To participate in the chat, log on to, click on the Chat link located on the left side of the page, and click "Load chat client." Participants will be prompted to enter a nickname for use during the chat. This will be a moderated event.

Scheduled for release in fall 2001, Xbox ( is Microsoft's future-generation video game console that delivers superior graphics, better audio and the most intense, action-packed gaming experiences available. All this is possible because Xbox has at least three times the graphics performance of the newest generation of game consoles.

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