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 Home -> Full Texts -> Press Releases -> Microsoft -> OFFICIAL MECHWARRIOR 4: BLACK KNIGHT EXPANSION SITE NOW ONLINE



Microsoft today announced that the official MechWarrior 4: Black Knight Expansion web site is now live at: Visitors will take a guided tour through many of the new features in MechWarrior 4: Black Knight Expansion, including the new Black Market mode, five additional BattleMechs, new vehicles, additional multiplayer modes, new screenshots and a taste of the storyline.

MechWarrior 4: Black Knight Expansion drops the player into the notorious Black Knight Legion, a mercenary group of MechWarriors focused on taking care of the most important people - themselves. MechWarrior 4: Black Knight Expansion introduces five new ‘Mechs for the player to pilot: the Sunder, Ryoken, Uller, Wolfhound and Black Knight. It also includes several new vehicles, such as the Demolisher II Heavy Tank and the Nightwind Attack Helicopter; and new weapons, like the incredibly devastating Cluster Bombs.

Players will have also have access to some of the hardest to find weapons through the game's newest feature, the Black Market. The Black Market allows the player to take salvaged 'Mechs and weapons that they don’t need, and trade them for something they do need. Players are no longer restricted to items salvaged from the battlefield, they can now take their chances on the Black Market.

In MechWarrior 4: Vengeance, gamers command an awesomely armed 40-foot tall, 100-ton war machine across the remote battlefields of a hostile world. Instead of desolate, sparsely populated battlefields, MechWarrior 4 takes place in a rich and dynamic universe inhabited by armed allies, noncombatants and deadly antagonists. High-energy lasers pierce the night, rockets flare with blazing fire, and buildings and vehicles crumble into smoldering rubble. Day missions, night missions, fog, rain, snow, blizzards and lightning provide atmosphere and add to the intensity and realism.

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