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 Home -> Reviews -> Conquest: Frontier Wars
Conquest: Frontier Wars By John "Award" Del Percio,
August 30, 2001
Developer :Fever Pitch Studios
Publisher :Ubi Soft
Release Date :July 2001
Demo Available : Yes - Download
Table of Contents

· Introduction
· Closer Look
· Facts
· Final

A Three Hour Tour...

Sometimes, a game unfortunately gets slightly overlooked, and somehow ends up being highly under-marketed. Conquest is one of those games. The space-faring RTS, originally slated to be published by Microsoft, later switched to it's final home, Ubi Soft, and in the transfer, forgot to build much hype for it. Even with the loss of hype, there has still been a fan base for the game, even before release, larger than many over-hyped games receive.

Conquest feels something like an odd hybrid of Starcraft, Star Trek: Armada, Homeworld, and something totally unlike anything previously seen. Someone on the team definitely had Starcraft in mind when designing the storyline and the species involved in this conflict. Like Starcraft, Conquest features three species. Even more uncanny is the fact that the three species each have a parallel in the Starcraft universe. Terrans of course are required ingredient for most sci-fi stories, the Mantis are a xeno-biological insectoid species similar to the Zerg in many ways, and the Celerion (no, it's not a processor) are an ancient race of pure energy with a rather enigmatic existence similar to the Protoss, though the Celerions are far more intriguing than the Protoss ever were.

That, and the right-click interface, is about as far as the two are similar, though. In overall feel, the game is a bit more like Armada, though it has some logistical attributes similar to that of Homeworld. All units require ammunition and supplies. When supplies run out, your units become sitting ducks until a supply ship comes within range, or the fleet can be moved to a supply station on a neighboring planet.

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