"Did You Know: Dragon Age: Origins is intended as a somewhat more serious spiritual successor to Biowares more famous Dungeons and Dragons games in the Baldur's Gate series. "

 Home -> Reviews -> Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Giants: Citizen Kabuto By John "Award" Del Percio, 12/23/2001
Developer :Planet Moon
Publisher :Interplay
Release Date :December 2000
Demo Available : No
Table of Contents

· Introduction
· Closer Look
· Facts
· Final

A Gem from the Unknown

Anyone who follows the game industry has likely heard of little else but Giants in the past several months. But even after reading the site, I'm sure most of those people were also thinking "What on earth is Giants?". The name sounds like that of a sequel, or of a universe similar to that of Dungeons and Dragons or the like. But from the images of a giant monster and spell-casters that all the artwork portrayed, most definitely, Giants would be assumed to be a most serious game.

Honestly, I had no idea what to expect out of Giants. I pictured something serious, something similar to the old Godzilla movies, but a lot more interesting. When I began to run the game, the menus and music pretty much confirmed what I thought--until the first cut-scene. It's difficult to describe the pop-culture parody, and ironic circumstance humor that is piled into the game, and I certainly won't spoil the humor for you (it's far more hysterical when it's unexpected), but suffice it to say that there is not a serious bone in the game, which makes it all that much more endearing. Now that the mood is set, and you know what to picture a bit, it's time to talk gameplay!

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