Candy? Soldier of Fortune uses a modified Quake2.
Although heavily modified, the graphics can't hold up with the recent 3d shooter
releases. One thing i noticed is that the textures are extraordinary cheap looking.
Again, I dont know what Raven was up to when making those.
Getting hot in
here | Uhm...I'm
hungry | Your
enemy: sabre |
Lil' bit of gore | Although being
dated, the graphic engine runs very smooth, even on a P233 it should run without
any problems. Unfortunately I've encountered some of the old Quake2 bugs. First,
it's a pain to climb ladders. Sometimes you get stuck on a ladder or you can't
start climbing at all. Second, elevators move too fast. If you fall of it's very
hard to get back on the elevator since it keeps moving up and down.
Sound Soldier
of Fortune has a great soundtrack that keeps your adrenaline pumpin while blasting
away your enemies. Creative's Environmental Audio is supported and adds to the
atmosphere. The gun sounds are fairly unrealistic and would better fit into a
cartoon than a 3d shooter. Since Soldier of Fortune's big thing is the gore and
violence, there are plenty of realistic death screams, you shouldn't play this
with open windows... Multiplayer Strangely
Soldier of Fortune multiplayer "feels" different than single player.
The gameplay is way to fast for a game like this. Altough the game speed can be
adjusted it reminds me more of a blood and flesh salad than a game. People move
too fast to even think about using some kind of tactics. Soldier of Fortune uses
Won.net for internet games, they
require you to register a new account, which is luckily done very quickly. «
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