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 Home -> Reviews -> Soldier of Fortune Review
Soldier of Fortune Review by Rage, April 20, 2000
Developer :Raven
Publisher :Activision
Release Date :Out Now
Demo Available :Yes - Download
Table of Contents

· Introduction
· Closer Look
· Facts
· Final

More Gameplay Issues

Soldier of Fortune "feels" very soft and the movement is very smooth. Although it is fun, this doesn't add realism but, just like the graphics and sound, gives it a "cartoon" like feeling. Of course one might argue Raven did this on purpose to justify the high level of violence it still doesn't fit into the Soldier of Fortune environment.
Particularly annoying this is the random spawning. I actually disabled it in the gamemenu but still people were spawned right behind me.


Personal Note

Graphics - Sound - Gameplay - Depth - Multiplayer  Reviewed by Mike Sagner

Soldier of Fortune uses the outdated Quake2 engine. Although heavily modified, the graphics aren't exactly eye candy.

SOUND 80 %

The great soundtrack helps to create a scary atmospehere. The gun and environment sounds aren't too great on the other hand.


Although not being very realistic, Soldier of Fortune is fun to play. The movement is smooth and the controls are easy to handle.

DEPTH 40 %

Does this game have a story? I haven't noticed any. A few cutscenes try to create a feeling of actually having a story but can't help it, this game neither contains "quests" nor does it have a great plot.


Oh my...Soldier of Fortune multiplayer is the worst I've played since Kingpin. The only thing that saves it from an even worse rating is the fact that 1 on 1 can be fun...well.

I enjoyed playing Soldier of Fortune. However I don't think I'm going to play Soldier of Fortune multiplayer again, ever. It simply sucks. I mean, Kingpin multiplayer sucked but Soldier of Fortune multi is even worse. It might be O.K. if you're just looking for some blood and limbs flying around on your screen. I liked Soldier of Fortune singleplayer. You don't really get involved into the story or the characters but it's fun to play through the game.
After all, if you're looking for a realistic 3d shooter, go grab a copy of Rogue Spear or Swat 3.

 Second Opinion: Forest Hale

I enjoyed playing Soldier of Fortune. However I don't think I'm going to play Soldier of Fortune multiplayer again, ever. It simply sucks. I mean, Kingpin multiplayer sucked but Soldier of Fortune multi is even worse. It might be O.K. if you're just looking for some blood and limbs flying around on your screen. I liked Soldier of Fortune singleplayer. You don't really get involved into the story or the characters but it's fun to play through the game.
After all, if you're looking for a realistic 3d shooter, go grab a copy of Rogue Spear or Swat 3.

Overall Rating


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