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 Home -> Features -> 2000 Top Pupil Awards
2000 Top Pupil Awards By John "Award" Del Percio,
January 13, 2001

Welcome to the 2000 GameVisions Top Pupil Awards!

Welcome to the first annual GameVisions Top Pupil awards. This tradition is to present to you the absolute top games of the year, so you know exactly what to buy for friends, family, and spell-casting monsters. In the "Personal Note" boxes on the last page of each review, some games were nominated for the awards. Here we'll compare the winners, the losers, and the runners up for each seven categories, including hardware. The final page of the nine page awards will contain the game of the year.

Remember that just because a game didn't make this list, doesn't mean it's not a good game. Read the games review (which may be accessed by clicking it's logo image or title) to determine how the game is. This list simply shows what games were the absolute best of the best.

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